All I Want Is For You To Listen
Photo by Cherry: Color-infused phalaenopsis orchid that my husband gave me for Valentine’s Day 2017. This lilac amethyst orchid was attached to a heart-shaped metal to hold it. I’m not really knowledgeable when it comes to taking care of real plants so I found the flower withering after a few days. I gave it some water and pep talk then I found one of the buds blooming after a couple of days. I just had to capture its beauty and the moment! Oh happy day!

The other day, I came across this video of Tony Robbins at his live event coaching a suicidal teen. I saw it on FB and I’m not sure when it was originally posted. Have you seen this video? I was mesmerized and it led me to tears!
This video brought me back to 2015 when I had the opportunity to co-teach a leadership development class to teenagers at our community college here in Las Vegas. We only had a small number of students and so the class was very intimate. I found our group discussions life-changing! After listening to their thoughts and learning more about their personal lives … all I could think of was … we need an army of mentors and coaches for these teens! Don’t get me wrong, these were smart kids who had the motivation to wake-up on four Saturday mornings and show up at the class. Regardless, they are at a challenging turn in their lives and they need someone to be there with them. At least someone to help them manage their little thoughts before everything escalates to big problems.
I love group sharing and I naturally make it a part of my workshops all the time. I love the energy and connection happening in the room! Just watching everyone share their lives with each other and listening to their hearts give me a feeling of bliss. I think it’s a beautiful moment when every soul is given an opportunity to open up and be heard…especially when they’re not able to experience this in their own home.
I have a heart for these teens not having a healthy relationship and open communication with their parents at home. I have a heart for the parents and families who are challenged in their communication at home. I have a dream…
Here’s the video I mentioned about…feel free to watch it and let me know how you feel about it. Here are some of my key takeaways from this inspiring video:
“I’m not responsible for my parent’s problems and I can’t put all the blame in myself.” – this is the attitude that must be taught to teens who are experiencing a similar situation at home.
“Big problems start with little thoughts, and great achievements start with little thoughts.” – Tony Robbins
“We have a choice in our life to give things a meaning. The meanings we give control our entire life.” – Tony Robbins